We are back, the laundry is done, and I am happy to be home.
There is so much to see and do in NYC and it was not my purpose to do it all, I wanted to rather enjoy it and take it easy.
Emma and I saw The Lion King on Broadway, and it was quite spectacular!
This photo was taken outside of our hotel. And yes, the police presence was due to our arrival! Just kidding!

On our first full day, Friday, Emma and I walked from 42nd st and 2nd Ave to 66th st and 5th Ave, across Central Park to Broadway, and then back to our hotel. Naturally, I got a huge headache the day after.
On Saturday my husband, Emma, and I went to Central Park. This is a picture Sig took and I thought it was beautiful:

This is me by one of the lakes:

And this is Emma:

Ice-cream and kissing:

On Sunday my headache evolved into a migraine + toothache and I stayed in the hotel. Emma and her Dad took the train to the Aquarium in Brooklyn:

After the Aquarium they enjoyed a boardwalk on the beach:

Followed by a visit to Times Square:

Playing bashful with one of NY's finest:

Later during the week Emma and I went to the Central Park Zoo. It was scorchingly hot and humid and I for a moment I felt like jumping in the pool with the seals. Emma, however, felt more like smelling the flowers:

And feeding the sheep:

The day after we visited the Museum of Natural History. It was really crowded and Emma was scared by some of the exhibits. She did, however, enjoy the mamals but was not satisfied by my answers as to why they were not moving.

There was a playgroung by the hotel and this is us there:

Our hotel was in immediate proximity to the UN building and these are some pics from there:

It was after 5pm and the flags were down, unfortunately...

Sewing-wise, I got some hard to find in notions from the Garment District, no fabric (by choice)!
Big thanks again to a fellow sewer and blogger for kindly meeting us there for a lunch and a visit to Pacific Trims.
We also went to SoHo where we went to what feels like 100 shops. I got some pretty good ideas from Scoop.
I've loved Zara since I first saw there stores in Belgium many years ago, so, naturally, we spent considerable time there.
Visiting NYC feels like a lot of work, really. Still, if my husband's project gets extended after Xmas, we may visit there again next year.