Pants: made by me (Burda WOF pattern)
Burned-out tee
Alicr and Olivia vest (it was on a really good sale so I figured I'd get it even though I could make one, besidesm it is really well made)
Necklace: self-designed and made
Bunch of other vintage and not so vintage jewelry (ebay, TJMaxx, Banana Republic)
Aldo shoes... I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If enyone likes them, here is a link (http://www.aldoshoes.com/us/women/pumps/peep-toe/73502140-maune/91) and with this coupon you get 10% off: STUDADV817002.

On a sewing note, I am really going to try to make the jacket with the pronounced sleeves. I don't know if I'll be successful, but will give it a try. As a starting point, I took Violet's advice (http://violet-bleu.blogspot.com/) and ordered two Winifred Aldrich's "Metric Pattern Cutting" books, one for general women's wear and one for tailored women's garments. Violet commented that the book provides instructions for changing a semi-fitted sleeve to a very close fitted sleeve and raising the bodice armhole. I'll keep you posted how the project goes, even if it is going south:)